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Jagermeister 700ml

RM 120.00
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Jägermeister 700ml

容量:700ml,酒精 ALC:35%

Jägermeister 野格利口酒由56種精選材料釀製而成,以70度的酒精浸泡材料,口感呈現淡淡的茴香味,下喉微甜順口,冰鎮入口後,一個熱源立刻由胃部竄出;除了冰鎮飲用,還可以搭配各式飲品,調製成各式調酒,更有一番不同的風味。



A. 冰鎮純飲:冰入冷凍庫中數小時(零下18度並不會結冰),酒液變的濃稠滑順,冰凍使其釋放特有的香氣,倒入杯中,一口飲盡(講究的人可是連杯子都冰在冷凍庫中)

B. Jager Bomb 野格炸彈:把一個冰凍的Shot,倒入Red Bull杯中,趁著氣泡衝上來時,一口飲盡;入喉冰涼,接著一股熱源由胃部竄出,讓你熱情澎湃。

C. Spike Pack:炸彈喝法-把一個冰凍的Shot,丟入啤酒中,趁著氣泡衝上來,一口飲盡。 2.自殺喝法-先喝一個Shot,再喝啤酒。 

D. Jager 汽水:在裝滿冰塊的杯中, 倒入一份Jager, 再加滿您喜愛的汽水。(建議使用可樂/雪碧/薑汁汽水/通寧水)

E. Jager 果汁:在裝滿冰塊的杯中, 倒入一份Jager, 再加滿任款您喜愛的果汁。(建議使用柳橙汁/葡萄柚汁/蔓越莓汁)

Jagermeister is one of the most successful liqueur brand world-wide. It started with the foundation of the family-owned company in Wolfenbuttel in 1878. 1934 Curt Mast created the secret recipe for Jägermeister, which has remained unchanged since then. 56 different herbs, blossoms, roots and fruits go to make up the inimitable and complex taste experience.

The Jagermeister taste is complex, spicy and soul-warming. You will discover well-balanced flavours of citrus, ginger, star anise and a gentle, pleasing herbal bitterness. Above all you will find a pure and natural taste – a taste of true and genuine character.

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